Monday, November 16, 2009

My View On Religion

Sorry, I haven't updated in like, FOREVER!! Been busy with Amie and schoolwork and everything, so I haven't had time.

So anyway, this is my view on religion:

Okay, I don't have anything against organized religion, it's just that it's not the only kind of religion. You don't need temples and a million believers and whatnot to have a "real" religion!! A religion is basically your beliefs, right? So whatever you believe is technically your religion.

For instance, I believe in a Goddess, and I believe that men are led by a God. And I believe that everyone has a purpose in life, and if they fulfill that purpose, their bodies rest peacefully as their souls watch over and silently protect their loved ones. But if they don't fulfill that purpose before they die, I believe they keep getting reincarnated at death until they DO fulfill their purpose--whether they know what it is or not (you're bound to do it at some point, right?).

People always classify me as "non-religious" or "Atheist", but I'm not. I have a religion, it's just not an organized religion. So it doesn't have a name like "Islam" or "Judism" or anything like that, it's just my beliefs bunched together to form my personal religion. It's MY religion, and I doubt it's anyone else's; I'm not following any religious trends, and I never will. I believe what I believe, no matter what I was born into (Baptism).

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

RIP, Mrs. Lee

So recently, my boyfriend Daren has what the majority of people would say "relapsed". Daren and I would just say he's started to SH again. And I'm fine with that. I mean, this time it's because he's grieving the death of his mother, but we're getting through it together.

I've started cutting more to release more blood, and he's been cutting deeper--not deep enough to kill himself, mind you. We're not doing it out of depression; it's more of sympathy cutting. Any time we lose a loved one, we sacrifice a small percentage of blood. The blood loss is no big deal; we produce more. I am a regular blood/bone marrow donor, though, and sometimes use that for sacrificial reasons or simply not to worry my family and friends.

Mrs. Lee was like a second mom to me. So, this is our way of dealing with it. Please don't take that in a depressed, suicidal way, because it's not, at all. =P

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

My View On Self-Harm

Hey there, Anonymous again! Today I'm going to talk about my view on SH and SI (pretty much the same thing).

Alright, so obviously, people get freaked out if they see their friend or family member self-harming. I would too, if they were actually trying to off themselves. But I self-harm because I'm a masochist, not because I'm depressed or trying to kill myself. I have slit my wrists, but I'm careful not to make it deep enough to kill me. I'd never kill myself; I think everyone should die of natural causes and no one should off themselves because they can't endure the pain you may experience.

My boyfriend used to self-injure, self-harm, whatever you want to call it, but not exactly like I do. He used to intentionally break parts of him: His wrists, his arms, his legs, etc. He doesn't do it now, but he does skateboard and occasionally accidentally break something.

I don't believe in therapy or rehab, because I need to work things out on my own. But I'm not trying to stop. I could stop if I wanted, but I don't. And again, I don't think it's that big of a deal if you're just doing it for the adrenaline rush or because you're like a masochist, I think the only time you need to be worried about someone you care about self-harming is if they're trying to kill themselves. If that's the case you need to talk to them and try to find out what's wrong and do your best to fix it, because no one should die intentionally.

Monday, August 3, 2009

My View On Teen Pregnancy

Hey, Anonymous again. I know I haven't been updating lately; I've been busy with my new baby. And she's what brought me to make this blog post about teen pregnancy and my view on it.

Okay, so I'm 15, and I had my daughter Amie two 1/2 weeks ago. My boyfriend is still with me and he's very supportive. Although we both have other sexual partners, he IS the father of Amie; we got a paternity test.

Anyway, onto my view on teen pregnancy. Nature made it so that women are SUPPOSED to have a baby soon after their first period which is when they're what, 12ish? Obviously it's not for everyone; actually, I think you should wait a year or two after your first period, to have a baby. I dunno, that's just my opinion. Anyhow, I had my first period at 13 and got pregnant at 14, so yea....I think teenagers shouldn't be discouraged from having babies, and not encouraged. I think it should just be their choice whether they want a baby at that time or not, because it's often a matter of money or stress on the girl.

But my boyfriend and I have like, the same mind, so we both decided to try to conceive last year, when I was 14 and he was 15. We love our daughter and we know we were meant to have her at this age, because it's what nature intended.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

EDIT: I Changed a Little Bit of My View on Relationships

Okay, so I basically still think the same thing as I used to, except now, I don't care if my boyfriend's kissing/dating/etc. another girl, as long as he tells me and doesn't keep it a secret. Why should I care, as long as I'm getting some too? Seriously, it doesn't bother me anymore since I realized that.

If I was married to him I'd care, because you're vowing to stay true to them and not to cheat on them or anything. I'm never getting married though; it's not for me, or my boyfriend. We both have relations with people other than each other, and we don't consider it cheating, because we both know and we don't mind as long as we're know, "getting some" from each other (I don't only mean sex by that).

Monday, July 13, 2009

My View on Marriage

Hey there, Anonymous again! This time, I'm talking about marriage and my opinion on it.

Okay, so marriage is all great and wonderful and exciting for lots of people. In my opinion, it's just a waste of money, seeing as it doesn't make you love your partner more than you did before the marriage, and divorces are very common, despite the vows. Cheating still occurs with married couples as well. It also puts lots of people in debt.

I'm unsure if I'd like to get married, because I don't want to spend all that money (parents would pay for some stuff), and I'm not necessarily a monogamist, like married people vow to be. I'm a polygamist. I'm not a slut, I'm just realistic, and we're all biological creatures like animals, meant to reproduce, often with more than one person.

My View On Cheating (In Relationships)

Hey there, I'm Anonymous Wise Woman, but you can just call me Anonymous. This is my first blog post.

My view on cheating in relationships:

In some ways I see it as okay, and in some ways I don't.

Why it's okay:

We're animals, and animals are meant to mate and reproduce, and we're not meant to be monogomous.

It doesn't make sense to me that people get angry when they see their partner/the person they like/love with another person. I mean, I get jealous, but I don't get why. We shouldn't. Other animals don't. And it doesn't make sense--if you're with them, why do you care if you're not the only one?

People get pleasure out of sexual intercourse, but more when it's with a new sexual partner. That's not just a dumb little fact, it's scientifically correct. It makes your dopamine levels higher when you have sex with a new sexual partner. So it makes for a happier person overall.

Why it's not okay:

Many people don't like the idea of cheating, and would be very angry if they were cheated on. And you should respect your partner's beliefs.

Over time, humans have grown to believe that cheating's a terrible sin.

What I'd do if I found my partner with another woman:

I'd be a little shocked if I didn't know he was with another woman, but I wouldn't necessarily be mad. Well, it depends. Let me explain.

I'd be mad if he was literally dating her and kissing her and such, because those are interactions that have nothing to do with the biological creatures we are. I would probably be a little jealous if my partner was having sex with another woman, I have to admit, but I wouldn't get mad at him, because we're on Earth to reproduce, not necessarily with the same person every time.

That's also one of the reasons I'm not sure if I'd like to be married, because that's a commitment saying you'll be faithful to that person and only that one person. I'm not saying I'm a slut, I'm just saying I don't know if I want to have only one sexual partner.

I'll only ever have one partner (ex. only one boyfriend), but I might have more than one sexual partner (ex. one boyfriend and 2+ sexual partners, including him).

I'll post a blog about my view on marriage tomorrow.