Wednesday, August 19, 2009

My View On Self-Harm

Hey there, Anonymous again! Today I'm going to talk about my view on SH and SI (pretty much the same thing).

Alright, so obviously, people get freaked out if they see their friend or family member self-harming. I would too, if they were actually trying to off themselves. But I self-harm because I'm a masochist, not because I'm depressed or trying to kill myself. I have slit my wrists, but I'm careful not to make it deep enough to kill me. I'd never kill myself; I think everyone should die of natural causes and no one should off themselves because they can't endure the pain you may experience.

My boyfriend used to self-injure, self-harm, whatever you want to call it, but not exactly like I do. He used to intentionally break parts of him: His wrists, his arms, his legs, etc. He doesn't do it now, but he does skateboard and occasionally accidentally break something.

I don't believe in therapy or rehab, because I need to work things out on my own. But I'm not trying to stop. I could stop if I wanted, but I don't. And again, I don't think it's that big of a deal if you're just doing it for the adrenaline rush or because you're like a masochist, I think the only time you need to be worried about someone you care about self-harming is if they're trying to kill themselves. If that's the case you need to talk to them and try to find out what's wrong and do your best to fix it, because no one should die intentionally.

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